Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Hey all ya'll out there. I can't wait till the weekend to get here. I am surprisingly really ready to go home. I believe the reason for it is because of what a horrible week I had last week. This week seems to be going well. I had a couple semi rough nights, but I got good sleep last night. I am trying to keep my trust in the Lord. I know that He has my good welfare in His hands. I have sort of broken my lint sacrifice with T.V. , but hopefully will go back off of it at the start of next week. I am sure by then I will be back on track with my sleeping. They called off school today, which was awesome! Although I didn't get anything done, but the night is still young and hopefully I can at least get my list partially done. Well, I will quit boring you with my mundane life and let you get on with yours. See ya!

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